Using Social Media as it was Intended


Social media is very effective when used correctly. Prospects who have been exposed to your brand through social media are far more likely to convert into paying customers once they…

Brighten Your Business’s Future with SEO


Generation Web® CEO to Speak on SEO at SOREDI Event. Learn how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can brighten your business’s future. Attend SOREDI’s Rogue Nexus E-Business Consortium launch event on October 23rd at 3 p.m.

Bad News: Build A Website and; They Won’t Come


After months of blood, sweat and tears, launch day finally arrives and everyone is in love with your new website! But, during the process of creating your site, SEO didn’t really come up and now your beautiful on the outside website is not looking so pretty on the inside, and not delivering results. Now, that’s bad news!…

How to Choose a Web Design Agency


What happens when website visitors move past the looks of your site and find there’s nothing else there? No second date, that’s for sure. Because, without brawn and brains, a beautiful website is going to get you nowhere.

The Two ‘Must Haves’ of Modern Marketing


Many years ago, one of my undergraduate marketing professors aptly stated, “If I had to define marketing in a single word it would be: ‘targeting’”.  Innate in that single word are two potent marketing concepts…